A great guild leader at the core makes all their members feel like they make a difference and are important to the guild success.
One of the failings I've seen in guilds in the past is a leader who tends to over manage the guild instead of lead it.
Charisma tends not to play a role in leadership qualities but rather someone who can adapt to the constant changing within the game and the guild.
The best leaders can see what traits their members have and use that to inspire them giving them tasks within the guild.
This promotes members to take ownership in the guild and creates a strong sense of community.
Guild leaders cooperate with their members and officers and find ways to make the guild progress without demanding of them.
Guild Leaders are innovative and take some risks but don't push their ideas but rather get the guild involved.
They encourage creativity and try out suggestions.
There is always a better way to take down that dragon.
Nobody has tried it yet type attitude and they don't get mad when it doesn't work.
They keep a presence within the guild forums and ventrilo.
Ever have a guild leader that seems to be absent all the time?
Guild Leaders always try to coach their members in PVP and PVE skills instead of getting mad when you loose.
A good leader never storms off during the middle of a fight when the going gets tuff.
They are able to recognise changes in the game client and make changes to policy on a whim if need be.
Knowledge of the game is important to running a successful guild.
A guild leader always keeps his integrity.
This promotes respect from the members and sacrifice for the guild.
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